
About Me

How are you, dear Madam and/or Sir,

This is a presentation letter and hope you take your time to get to know me:

I am called Teacher Laila a hundred times a day, but I am also known as "Ms Burden". This is how I sign my literary work and other pieces of my insanity, daydreams, or deviations which are expressed quite often in the shape of poems, photos, and such. My real name is Laila Chris. I am actually a Brazilian EFL teacher, a certified Journalist, translator, and a writer as human necessity. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in 'Social Communications' with a minor in 'Journalism' from UEL - State University of Londrina (Brazil) and in 'Liberal Arts' with a minor in 'Creative Writing' from SPC - Saint Petersburg College (USA). I have been currently running a private language school in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil) called PBF since October 2002.

After finishing college in Brazil, in 1998, I decided to live abroad, in order to fully learn another language, get an international degree for my academic education process, and get to know a different culture. I lived in Saint Petersburg, USA, for five years (98 ~ 02). Now, I've just turned 42, got a business of my own, been married for 21 years, and I've decided to live back in my home country for good. All my personal goals have been nearly accomplished. Adding to that, I've got hundreds of manuscripts and 'almost' nothing published.

Am strongly seeking for a temporary teaching position in summer or winter international language programs so that I can sponsor my own publications, and I am accepting any publishing opportunity as well as in international media, being electronic or hard-printed editorials, either temporary or permanently. Notice that I'm an agent-free writer and maybe that is why I write intensely. I have got two ongoing book projects: a poetry one and a fiction novel and have recently launched a book¹ of shorties intended for ESL learners entitled "American Jokes in Simple Language."

My experiences in journalism toward entertainment news and short story writing led me to the artistic literary practice. Through my education background, abilities, and desire to work, I believe I can be very useful to any editorial service. And when it comes to teaching English and tutoring other subjects, I've been doing those things since I was 12. I've owned a language school in Brazil for 25 years in 2023.

I look forward to hearing from any educational institution,  publisher/editor, or ESL/EFL school which could make good use of my  knowledge and experience to help improve your services towards my will-power and strong wish to work. I am also open for  further discussions about any possible translation/version, proofreading, or any  independent publication of my manuscripts, as well as my participation in any collaboration through, revising, translating and/or developing versions in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and German. However, if you have no connections with this kind of business or you do not, but you've thought I am worth being read, contact me. I am highly willing to take over language teaching positions in any international school. I am fluent in English and Portuguese, and am able to teach Spanish and German. I've played the drums for 4 years and been learning on how to get a poetry book published. 

On the other hand, if you feel at least a tiny little dust of interest in knowing my work, click on any of those links located on the sidebar and leave a comment. Or better, go straight to the point and E-mail me:, WhatsApp me (+55-18-9977-42901), and subscribe to my YouTube channel "Teacher Laila's Video Class" (  and visit my site: (defunct)



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